What is Agile Architecture?

Architecture is an important aspect of agile software development efforts. It is critical to scaling agile to meet the needs of the business. “Agile architecture is a set of values and practices that support the active evolution of the design of a system, concurrent with the implementation of new business functionality”. The goal of agile architecture is to eliminate the impact of change by crafting software that is easy to adapt. The structural aspect of agile architecture should be how flexible the architecture is or how easy is it to make changes.

Why is modularity important in agile development?

Modularity is a key ingredient of agile architecture. Change is a major part of agile development. As the Agile Manifesto states: “Welcome change requirements, even late in development agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.” Modularity allows development teams to envision and manage change more easily because it separates a program into components that contain functionality that is independent and interchangeable. Many organizations that follow an agile process do so without considering the structure of their application. When business requirements change for a project, the team struggles to adapt. The flexibility of modularity combined with continuous integration allows for quick identification and resolution of any architectural issues or shifts in the code.

As an example, let’s say that an agile team is told that they need to use a library from Vendor X as part of their development. The project becomes tightly coupled to this library. If the structure of the application is not monitored and not modular, it’s hard to identify areas of the system that talk to this library. The business then tells you that Vendor X is out and you need to use the library from Vendor Y. How easy is it to remove Vendor X and replace it with Vendor Y? If all of the code that depended on the library from Vendor X was isolated in a single module, it would be pretty easy. To handle change, modularity is necessary. Since agile welcomes change, modularity is necessary for agile architecture.

Modularity is also important for Agile Parallel development. Agile Parallel development is when two components that have no dependencies on each other are able to be worked on at the same time instead of waiting on other teams to finish their components. This dramatically increases developer productivity. By removing the constraints (dependencies) with modularity, you empower teams to work in parallel. According to CA Technologies, Agile Parallel Development enables up to 90% more defects to be detected and up to a 50% reduction in a typical development schedule.

In large code bases, it becomes harder to manage the architecture at a code level to ensure modularity. Is it easier to understand the impact of change when examining a system of 10,000 classes or a system with 10 classes? Clearly the latter. A higher level visualization and analysis tool like Lattix Architect is needed to understand and manage the dependencies between components, which is critical to modularity and accommodating change. To get an idea of how modular your code is and/or how you can make it more modular, check out Lattix Architect.